Sunday, June 20, 2021

Gwendolyn Fleischer

Sounds of the Sun

Throw off the masks

Run through hot sand

in new flip flips

into the salty ocean spray.

Waves after waves crash onto the placid shore.

You are still here.

We have been away too long.

Build sandcastles with wet sand,

shovels and buckets.

Let them remain til the tide

 washes our work away.

Next door, children laugh

splash, jump into a child's wading pool.

Parents sit by with ice cold lemonade 

sunscreen and towels.

Big colorful striped beach balls

land on my lawn.

Little bare feet retrieve them


voices shouting with glee.

Sounds of too many cars at the gas pump

filling up for a freedom trip

on a packed highway

away from being behind closed doors

away from take out only.

Lay on the beach in bikinis

boogie boards and surfboards 

stack upright in rows 

Grandmothers under beach umbrellas

guard the sandwiches from greedy seagulls.

You are my sun,

Like Icarus I flew too close to you.

I melted

and fell back to earth.

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