Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Joe Grieco

Sleeping With the Windows Open

Sounds like it’s here in the bedroom with us

The summer night coyotes

Barking, waking up the neighborhood

Moon woke to covet the life of the sun

Cat woke to covet the life of the moon

Coyote woke to covet the life of the cat

None of this woke can be undone

Bio Note: I was a lucky pup. My college years in LA and The Bay Area gave me a whole bunch of contact with terrific poets, some of them my mentors. At Cal State LA in the 60s, Henri Coulette. He was a big deal in those days, a California Poet. I thank him for teaching me about rhyme and not-rhyme, about the war of secret agents, about the death of cats, about speak out and shut up.

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