Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Joan McNerney

White Heat

This dry moment

we lay in sweat beds.


Limp flowers turned

into themselves.


Lightning scorches

skies with hot zigzags.


Will it ever rain, when

will cicadas be silent?


Memories of a white room

burning pains…shunts, stains.


A bottle bursts filling the

sidewalk with rancid beer.

Throat of bird

swollen, screaming.



That was the name of a paint

can from J&M Hardware.


With sweat lingering on her

face, she colored her room.


Tinted now like insides of

ripe plums, like perfect grapes.


When the sizzling lemon sun

dropped from heaven...night

became moist and black.


Her fan whirled thick air

stained with cigarettes

coffee, turpentine, white wine.


She sank into her wicker couch

as fog horns trail the horizon.


Locusts screech relentlessly for water

always wanting more more more water.


Closing her eyes, remembering him

now tasting the feast of his smile.


Summer Solstice

Trees outline the

horizon in green lace.

Beneath boughs float

galaxies of blue bugs.

Crimson clouds smudge

a sapphire sky.


Listen to swish of

branches as cicada

swell and swarm.

Hiding under shadows,

beating their wings,

hissing their mating calls.


Evening is coming…

the dawn of nighttime.

We are suspended now

between light and dark.

Clouds rushing over heaven.

Sun drops from sky.


The air is fragrant with 

sweet blooming jasmine.

Southern winds sweep

across the hemisphere

brightening star after star

awakening this night.

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