Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Shih-Fang Wang

Lion-Leopard Rain

Summer is rich with sounds

In my subtropical homeland

People chat under shades

Children frolic and giggle outdoors

Cicadas shriek incessantly from trees 

Beat all are the loud blares of 

The thundershowers

Sultry early afternoon 

The blazing sun scorches the land

Moisture-laden air ascends 

Cumulus clouds formed 

The sky soon darkens 

Fleeting lightnings ignited as

Opposite charges mingle in billows

Explosive roars of thunders are preludes for

The thundershowers dubbed as

Lion-leopard rains by Taiwanese

The rain comes down hard and fast

Before one has time to find cover

Big drops percuss forcefully 

In presto tempo on 

Tin roofs glass windows wood barrels

The loud sounds shroud all other noises 

A quick chill pours through the stifling atmosphere

Not for long nature’s symphony 

Swiftly turns into adagio

then a terse finale

The clouds disappear

The sun reclaims the sky 

Air cooled and people refreshed

The Unwelcomed Summer Sound

It’s a low hum 

Yet loud as a roar in my dream 

Arouse me from sleep

So annoying and menacing

The hated summer sound is

Coming from somewhere in the dark

Getting closer and closer

I must be the target 

Now it blares in my ear

Ready to attack 

I hear her demand

Give me your blood

Just a little bit

For me to breed

I do not concur

Can’t see unlighted

No time to flick the switch

Slap my own face hard and fast 

A brief silence

Then humming recurs

I missed

She is coming back

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