Saturday, June 19, 2021

Tim Tipton

My feelings for you are ripe like

huckleberries on a hot summer day

I treasure my love for you

nestled in a huck paradise

I give you my

heart that bleeds purple

Feasting on indigo

like the power of gemstones

Blue stars

August love is my number one antioxidant

favoring the most fruitful month



Trying to Write

I reached deep into a empty well 

with questions, not words

Questions such as 

will I ever write again?

My body cries to lie down 

but my heart refused to obey 

I struggled to form

anything from the pen

The house was quiet like the backyard

so quiet you don’t even know you’re alive

Moon shined hot florescent white

on a humid summer night

I sat for hours trying to write

my hand resigned the pen and turned

out the light

Nobody could blame me if I 

crawled inside a warm bed, could they?

There was nothing new inside me

the well was bone dry

I studied the paper gleaming from the 

moonlight where I saw it quivering 

when my breath touched it 

Before long, before I knew it, 

morning came 

The sun was ripe for the eye

The well was full and plentiful 

Morning nourishes me, everything was


I took all the time I pleased as

pen came together with paper and

words flowed from the ink, this pleased 

me dearly.



Suppose I write down August,

and the word coast,

Put it under your pillow

When you read it

You will recall

Those days along

The shore

Marveling at the changing

Colors of the ocean

The sea lions

We saw

Sleeping on the sand

Like shifting black rocks,

The formation of birds

Writing poetry

In the sky, us, gazing in a field among cows 

and horses You will recall how we let 

the wind tangle our hair

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